Calendar Medal by Peter KEMPSON (unsigned). Obverse; Universal calendar for 1796, above; 1796 A CALENDAR SUNDAY FIGURES, to the left; LENT FEB 10 EASTER DAY MAR 27 HOLY THURSDAY MAY 5, to the right; WHIT SUNDAY MAY 15 TRINITY SUNDAY MAY 22, and below; SEPTUAGESIMA JAN 24 ADVENT SUNDAY NOV 27, Reverse; Table of dates of New & Full Moons for the year, above; KINGS BIRTH DAY JUN 4 ACCES OCT 25 COR SEP 22, to the left, HILARY TERM JAN 23 TO FEB 12 EASTER APRIL 13 TO MAY 9, to the right; TRINITY MAY 27 TO JUN 15 MICH NOV 6 TO 28, and below; QUEENS B DAY KEPT JAN 18 P WALES BORN AUG 12 DOM LETT CB, 39mm, 16.00g, brass, F, small digs.